What women are saying about the book ...

Every woman deserves the best

Welcome to my website. When I write or speak to women I strive to provide unbiased information from the viewpoint of a dynamic doctor who is herself fascinated by living better, living longer and looking well.  I want to answer all those questions my friends ask me over coffee or the ones my patients would not have had time to ask in a consultation!  In my position as an NHS GP I have access to specialists at the frontline of medicine and current medical research to obtain first hand accurate knowledge.  Without evidence, knowledge is only perception, so it is important we obtain proper facts. 

This website will provide a glimpse of my motivational writing, the value of lifestyle in improving our health and some work in podcasts, events and collaborations with the inspiring women who have educated me.  All I wish is that you feel empowered enough to take control, small steps at a time and start living your best life now.

Dr. Louise Wiseman MBBS BSc(Hons) DRCOG MRCGP


None of the information is given here as personal medical advice to the reader.  Nothing read on the internet or in a book replaces a consultation with your own doctor or healthcare professional who knows you as a person, can examine you and understands your medical and family history.   I am writing as a woman over 40 with an inquiring mind, trying to answer the questions that I did not have time to answer in a medical consultation.  Always seek the opinion of your health care professional if you have a question about your health or changing your lifestyle.