Your best life

I am excited to announce that after 3 years working towards my dream, my first book Your Best Life – A Doctor’s Secret Guide to Radiant Health Over 40 was finally released in lockdown on 28th October 2020. Are you ready for your best life?

I worked for 15 years in the NHS as a doctor and thought I ‘had it all’ then nearly lost it. A near fatal pneumonia as a mother of two and busy GP transformed my life and the way I thought about my own health. Now I am back working in the NHS in this post lockdown period it is even more apparent how self care and health awareness is paramount.

 I thought I was healthy before I became ill, but can you improve on what you have always taken for granted? I have looked hard in all areas of medicine to unlock the answers to an even greater, healthier, happier life over 40. Alongside my own research I have spoken to specialists on the front line to find out the true secrets to living your best life, not just in terms of physical health but also happiness and confidence. I have interviewed women who are at the top of their game in all industries around the world to find out what makes them tick and whether they really ‘have it all’. Every one of those women massively inspired me and they will potentially change the way you see your future decades as well.

My passion is to transform the way women think about themselves and realise that 40,50,60,70 can all be a new beginning. We are all ageing so let’s do it well! Women must understand how their bodies and minds work to reduce fear. They can make positive choices to prioritise self-care, manage emotions and regain any lost self esteem. There are many changes that happen in our bodies before, during and after menopause time – when can you help yourself and when is the time to seek your doctor’s help? How do we stay happy and keep our brains active, our guts nourished and our skin glowing? What products will protect your skin and keep you radiant before you make the appointment with a cosmetologist? Why are meditation and mindfulness not just a fad and why might they change the way you think and mentally age? Are fashion and social media frivolous or are they fantastically powerful in how they make us feel about ourselves? Can you learn to be your own very best role model from now? Finally the very important question – can lifestyle prevent disease?

Don’t just take my word for it. I have spoken to a large number of fabulous real women who generously tell their stories in my book. They will shock and surprise you with their candour. They shared with me their thoughts about their life, ageing and what they do now to stay well and fit. They tell stories of their female role models growing up and how they see themselves right now compared to then. These women may ‘have it all’ but most have confronted adversity on the way and even turned their original life and career plans upside down to create completely new lives in their midlife and beyond. They showed me it is never too late to start, just make sure you do it! My main discovery on this amazing writing journey is that women are an extraordinary resource for each other and once we start sharing information we are a true powerhouse of wisdom.

I truly believe we can prevent or reduce some of the natural changes we associate with ageing rather than simply waiting for them to happen. I also believe we should change our thoughts around gaining wisdom and experience and embrace ageing gracefully. We have a duty for the young girls around us to show them how it’s done and in many ways this book is as much for the twenty year old as the fifty plus woman. The most interesting woman in the room is invariably the oldest in years.

We have the resources to make our bodies work better with time by keeping them strong and well nourished and it needn’t cost you a load of money or a degree in rocket science. My advice is all easy to understand and inexpensive or free. I just want to change the way women think about their minds and bodies. Let’s take back control on how we live now… together.

I self published Your Best Life as I wanted to produce a book over which I had full control, that looked beautiful but more importantly would provide a reference for all women from 40 to 100 years of age for many years to come. It became a huge project involving around 70 amazing people and I learned a tremendous amount about different ways of looking at life alongside imparting my knowledge as GP. The book will be something you can dip back into for reference in the years to come and is also a marvellous gateway to other resources that will motivate your own unique journey to preserving your optimal health. 

There is also a full colour ebook, in various formats, details of which are in the links on this website.